

传iPhone7支持Lifi 比Wifi快100倍! (双语)

  1月21日,编码破译者弗罗姆最近在苹果iOS 9.1操作系统的原始码数据库储存区,找到“Li-Fi Capability”(支持Li-Fi)字样,这种技术支持传输速度可较Wi-Fi快100倍的Li-Fi光源无线传输。

  Apple has already started a buzz surrounding rumoured plans to do away with the headphone jack, but now, developments for the iPhone 7 could be taking an even bigger leap – Li-Fi.


  Twitter 一位用户发现,从 iOS 9.1 开始,苹果的技术文件都提到 Li-Fi 功能(LiFiCapability),美国科技网站 Apple insider 也随即验证这项讯息。

  A Twitter user has revealed an image to show that the company may be testing Li-Fi technology for the iPhone 7, which would mean data transmission runs on visible light waves, instead of radio.

  报道说,Li-Fi被视为新一代无线传输技术,其工作原理是透过快速调整控制可见光的光源讯号来传输数据讯息,接收端透过光感测组件接受数据讯息,再将数据讯息数码化。测试结果显示,Li-Fi传输速度逾每秒100 Gb,理论上可达224 Gb甚至更快,速度远超目前Wi-Fi技术的每秒约7 Gb,只花数秒便可下载一部高清影片。

  If this is true, the phone would be using visible light to transmit data instead of Wi-Fi's radio waves.

  Experts have said this will increase bandwidth (the rate at which data is transmitted to your device) by 100 times, equating it to downloading18 movies (at 1.5GB each) per second.



  Since the light can't travel through walls, Li-Fi could also be a more secure option down the line, and suffer from less interference from other devices.

  版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播

